Monday, October 31, 2005

After a long time

It has been quite a while since my last post. Not really busy but just lethargic.
Anyways it was a usual routine month, nothing more nor less. But suddenly there is a big giant stride to be taken in a few months. Life seems to be beckoning me finally, with all its intensity. It can be the time, of something big, which probably I had always been waiting for.

One does introspect and restrospect at times. Looking deeply into his self and the world around. How is he with respect to his beliefs and ideals? How is he going to cope up? Similar questions keep coming up, pushing me all the time to put my best foot forward. But do I , or will I , or more importantly, can I? Earlier I would have said God knows, but now I say yes, because I know what God knows and what He would have said.

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